The higher education scene is very active in Lebanon and such an activity is clearly reflected in our student membership. In fact, the Chapter is one of the largest in the ASHRAE Region-At-Large in terms of both student membership and student branches.

Seven student branches are operating under the umbrella of the Lebanese ASHRAE Chapter with a total of around 150 student members. The number varies from year to year as the student membership is very volatile. The Chapter is striving to keep its good contacts with all major universities in the country and provide support to student branches whenever needed.

Many activities targeting students are being coordinated by the SA Committee of the Chapter including presentations, seminars, competitions, social events, etc… A major event took place in May 2011 in which student members from all branches gathered at Notre Dame University-Louaize, main campus, in Zouk-Mosbeh for a full day of technical presentations and professional development seminars. Furthermore, our student members are welcomed in all activities of the chapter.

Please contact the SA Chair at for any questions or try to check with the student branch advisor at your institution. The list of branches with their advisors is available by clicking here. You may also check the Student Zone of the ASHRAE website for more details about the student membership and its benefits and to apply online if you are interested.